Children's Chapel

A place for children to engage with Bible stories, sing faith-based songs, and creatively pray together.


In the beginning God created the heavens,

and the Earth the Earth was empty,

formless and dark,

but the spirit of God was there on the

first day God said let there be light.


This month, we will be learning about action. It is what we do with who we were meant to be and how we were designed to be through Our Lord.


This website is optimized for the process of working on particular videos over a certain period of time, making it a work-as-we-go platform. Even though instructions may remain the same for an extended period, the site's design caters to the specific needs of a limited-time project.

Children's Chapel is a place where the love of God is shared with children. The main goal is to help them develop a deeper relationship with God, who loves and gives himself to them. This creates a sense of unity among everyone and encourages discipleship. Ultimately, the aim is to build a growing family of brothers and sisters who take joy in joining God's mission to redeem the world.

Resourced from WorshipHouseMedia: