Explore the Bible: 

Students, Fall 2023.

Mark – The Way of the Cross

Our Fall 2023 study leads students through the Gospel of Mark. We will discover that all of Jesus’s preaching, teaching, healings, and miracles ultimately pointed to the most important three days in all of history: Jesus’s death and resurrection. With this pivotal series of events, Jesus opened the way for humanity to have eternal life with God. (13 sessions)


  • We will study the Theology, History, and Context of the Bible and their relevance to our Culture.
  • Answer key questions students might have as they study the Bible.
  • And this includes Personal applications for students to answer on their own.

This Bible study resource invites people of all ages to dive deeply into God’s Word. In every lesson, participants are trained to study the Bible in context so that they might learn to apply it to the context of their daily lives.