Prayer Wall

Welcome to Marion First Friends prayer wall.  You are welcome to share your prayers with the community here, write an anonymous prayer, share a prayer with the church staff only, or pray for other prayers on this page.  We are all a community; nobody prays alone.  Please share your prayers and prayer requests here with us.

"Please note that individual prayers will be removed 10 days after they have been submitted and approved, unless otherwise notified."


Katie – (Emily’s mom) Life lined to Methodist on Wed., July 3rd with serious issues. UPDATE: Katie remains in the hospital with both liver and kidney failure. Is having limited PT now and will need more later. UPDATE: Katie has been put into hospice on July 15th. UPDATE: Katie has passed away.


Lift Lucy and family in prayer on the passing of her brother, Dick.


Katie – (Emily’s mom) Life lined to Methodist on Wed., July 3rd with serious issues. UPDATE: Katie remains in the hospital with both liver and kidney failure. Is having limited PT now and will need more later. UPDATE: Katie has been put into hospice on July 15th.


Kassie L. continues with chemotherapy. Is to receive an Iron Infusion. Also keep her in prayer for her studies which she is in currently.


Alex (Lamona's granddaughter) Had a bicycle accident and has a hematoma. UPDATE: Had surgery on Friday, July7th. Surgery was successful. She is on the mend but is still in a lot of pain. Is on the mend but has a long road ahead.

Prayer Request Form

If you would like to leave a prayer, this is the place to do so.  Please realize that all prayers must be approved by a site administrator before being posted.  We reserve the right to withhold names in sensitive matters, and to check with family before releasing information, making items public, on our website.

"Please note that individual prayers will be removed 10 days after they have been submitted and approved, unless otherwise notified."

Want more instruction on how to use the prayer wall?  Click HERE for the video tutorial.
